National Reports on Antisemitism

Antisemitism Research Report: Poland

Antisemitism Research Report: Italy

Antisemitism Research Report: Hungary

Antisemitism Research Report: Romania

Introduction to the research
One of the first activities of the BOND project was to conduct research on antisemitism in each of the participating countries. The research aimed to provide a comprehensive picture of antisemitism in Hungary, Italy, Romania, and Poland as a basis for further project activities.
The research had limitations: it was carried out within the timeframe and scope defined by the project and in line with topics relevant to the project’s further activities. The research results are published in four national and one compiled research report.
The research was carried out as one of the first steps of the BOND project. All phases of the research were completed until the end of September 2023, so events after 7 October 2023, and their impacts are not included.

Methodologically, the research consisted of two parts: desk research and field research. Within the desk research, all partners collected, processed, and summarised the available literature and data on antisemitism in their respective countries over the last ten years. The field research aimed to complement the information gathered in the desk research by interviewing representatives of pre-defined target groups about their expertise and experiences in relation to the topic. In each country, the interviews were conducted with representatives of the following groups: 1) key experts, 2) first-line practitioners (FLPs), 3) Jewish community leaders and members, 4) non-Jewish religious and minority community leaders, and 5) Jewish and non-Jewish youth.

Topics included

  1. To ensure the comparability of the research, the same topics were included in the research in all four countries. These topics were also pre-defined by the BOND project. The following topics were covered in the research process:
  2. The situation of the Jewish population
  3. Level and trend of antisemitism
  4. Antisemitic stereotypes, prejudices and conspiracy theories
  5. COVID-19-related antisemitism
  6. Perception of antisemitism in the Jewish community
  7. Antisemitism in politics
  8. Antisemitism in the sporting sphere
  9. Enmity against other minorities
  10. Antisemitism and education

The research reports
As a result of the research four national reports and a compiled report was created. The national reports cover the topics involved in the research for each country, in the structure that the national teams considered the best. The compiled report contains a comparison of the four national reports and the national reports in a unified structure. Therefore, there are two versions of all reports on this website: a version in the structure created by the national teams and a version with the unified structure in the compiled report.

Antisemitism Research Report:

All Reports combined

Antisemitism Research Report:


Antisemitism Research Report:


Antisemitism Research Report: 


Antisemitism Research Report:


Antisemitism Research Report:


Antisemitism Research Report: 


Antisemitism Research Report: 


Antisemitism Research Report: 
